Meadowhead Community Infant School and Nursery in Blackburn has achieved the Inclusive School Award. Caring and Nurturing ‘The strong emphasis on creating a caring and nurturing environment is evident from the very positive relationships adults have with children, and children… read more
Newton Farm Achieves Centre of Excellence Again
Newton Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School in Harrow has achieved Centre of Excellence status again. Context Newton Farm is located in South Harrow and has an intake of predominantly Asian pupils, many of whom are of Tamil heritage. Approximately… read more
Stanley Achieves the Inclusive School Award
Stanley School in the Wirral has achieved the Inclusive School Award. Context Stanley School is a growing primary special school for children with complex learning difficulties, accommodating pupils in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. All children have an EHCP with 133… read more
East London Achieves the Inclusive School Award
East London Independent School in Stratford has achieved the Inclusive School Award. School Context East London Independent School (ELIS) is a small independent Special School with 44 pupils on roll ranging from KS2-KS5. The pupils have complex learning needs including… read more
The Prescot School Becomes a Centre of Excellence
The Prescot School in Knowsley has recently achieved Centre of Excellence status. Strong Commitment to Inclusion The Prescot School has a strong commitment to being an inclusive school which was palpably evident from all sources of evidence gathered during this… read more
Queensmill Reaccredited as a Flagship School
Queensmill School in Hammersmith & Fulham achieves Flagship status for the second time. Best Quality Support for Pupils Queensmill School is outstanding. Its ethos, energy and drive reflect the determination of the Headteacher and his multi-disciplinary team to provide the… read more