Becoming a Centre of Excellence is an opportunity for schools to build on the success of being one of the very special schools which holds the Inclusion Quality Mark award. A Centre of Excellence brings schools together to share and build on their existing good practice in inclusion best practice.
“Around 240 schools in the UK have met the standard required to become an IQM Centre of Excellence for outstanding levels of inclusion best practice. Are you ready to join them?”
Centre of Excellence Criteria
Centres of excellence determine for themselves who will be involved and the direction in which they choose to make progress. There is no upper limit to the number of schools in a cluster group, so this can fit with existing cluster arrangements and local geographical proximity or it can allow schools to twin over distance with the specific aim of making further progress in this very important area of school life.
Criteria for Centre Excellence
- Committed to sustaining the Inclusion Quality Mark ethos through collaborative activities.
- Have demonstrable plans to sustain and develop internal inclusive practice.
- Have good mechanisms to disseminate and share good practice between the schools.
- Have, or are able to develop, the capacity to share and disseminate good inclusive practice across a broader cluster of schools.
- Are willing to engage in classroom level research activity that explores inclusive practice.
- Agree to have an annual IQM visit to ratify or validate the progress and develop an annual plan for development.
- Agree to contribute an annual written update of progress against the eight elements as the basis for the annual review.
- Are prepared to contribute to the overall development aims of IQM, supporting the need for expertise or trialling practice.
Annual Costs
School with
1 – 400 Students
Years 1, 2 & 3
School with
401 – 2,000 Students
Years 1, 2 & 3
*Please note the following:
All prices are subject to change.
Review costs do not include expenses and VAT.
Year 3 review incorporates IQM re-accreditation.
All prices are subject to change.
Review costs do not include expenses and VAT.
Year 3 review incorporates IQM re-accreditation.