Cannon Lane Primary School has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Flagship status. ‘Shine Like Stars’ Cannon Lane Primary School is 4-form entry and is situated in an affluent area of Harrow. However, the demographic of the intake is changing… read more
Camrose Primary Achieves Flagship Status
Camrose Primary School in Edgware has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Flagship status.
Vaughan Primary School Achieves Centre of Excellence
Vaughan Primary School in Harrow has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
Rooks Heath School Achieves Centre of Excellence
Rooks Heath School in Harrow, Middlesex has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status. The School’s Motto “Wonderfully multifaceted and resourced to the needs of the community.” This is how the Head describes Rooks Heath. The motto… read more
Kingsley High Achieves Inclusive School Award Again
Kingsley High School, Harrow in Middlesex, achieves the Inclusion Quality Mark’s Inclusive School Award for fourth time. Context Kingsley High School provides education for ninety-seven students with ASD, SLD and PMLD. The gender split is 30% girls to 70% boys…. read more
Newton Farm Nursery Achieves Inclusive School Award
Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School in Harrow, achieves the Inclusion Quality Mark’s Inclusive School Award for the sixth time. Context The day started with a meeting with the Headteacher and with a new Parent Governor who was shadowing… read more
Kenmore Park Achieves Flagship School Status Again
Kenmore Park Infant and Nursery School, Harrow in London, achieves Flagship School status again. Context This was Kenmore Park School’s Year 3 Flagship Review, conducted remotely over one day. During the time of this review the country was facing a… read more
Claremont High Achieves Centre of Excellence Status
Claremont High School in Middlesex has achieved Centre of Excellence status. Background Claremont established the Chrysalis Multi Academy Trust (CMAT) with Sudbury Primary School in 2017. The Trust is responsible for over 2500 students across the two schools and is… read more