Shortstown Primary School in Bedford achieves the Inclusive School Award for the third time. Background Shortstown Primary School was opened in 2013 as a newly built, two-form entry Primary School. Previously, Bedfordshire had operated a three-tiered education system with the… read more
Putnoe Primary Achieves Centre of Excellence Status
Putnoe Primary School in Bedford has achieved IQM Centre of Excellence status. Creativity, Equality and Inclusion The distinctive nature of Putnoe Primary School encompasses its unrelenting commitment to creativity, equality and inclusion. Every conversation during the assessment demonstrated the importance… read more
Kempston Achieves the Inclusive School Award
Kempston Challenger Academy in Bedford has achieved the Inclusive School Award. Background Kempston Challenger Academy (KCA) was formed in 2016 when a former middle and upper school merged and the current Headteacher was appointed. The academy operates within the Challenger… read more
Lincroft Achieves the Inclusive School Award
Lincroft Academy in Oakley, Bedford has achieved the national award for Inclusion. Highly Successful Lincroft Academy is a highly successful school which is very inclusive. The school is transitioning from a middle school to a secondary school and currently has… read more
St John Rigby Achieves the Inclusive School Award
St John Rigby Catholic Primary School in Bedford has achieved the award again. An Inclusive, Multifaceted School St John Rigby is an exceptionally inclusive, multifaceted school. Its distinctive nature is based primarily on its status as a Catholic primary school… read more
Shortstown Achieves the Inclusive School Award
Shortstown Primary School in Bedford has been assessed recently and achieved the national award again. An Inclusive, Calm Environment Shortstown Primary School is a great example of an inclusive, calm environment. The Head and the SLT lead their staff by… read more
Bedford Academy Becomes a Centre of Excellence
Bedford Academy has been assessed and has achieved Centre of Excellence status. Background to the School Bedford Academy opened in September 2010 and is part of the HEART Academies Trust. The Academy moved to an impressive new building in November… read more
Daubeney Becomes a Centre of Excellence
Daubeney Academy, Bedford has been assessed for the fourth time. Evidence Supplied Thank you so much for allowing me to visit your school on 27th and 28th June and to carry out your IQM assessment. Thank you also to Mrs… read more