Q3 Academy Langley has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence. Ensure Every Child Can Thrive Q3 Academy Langley is a secondary school in Sandwell, West Midlands. The school opened in 2016 and has a student body of… read more
Grace Mary Primary Achieves Centre of Excellence
Grace Mary Primary School in Oldbury has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
Wodensborough Academy Achieves Flagship Status
Wodensborough Ormiston Academy in Sandwell has achieved Flagship School status. Context Wodensborough Ormiston Academy (WOA) was, until recently, an 11-16 Academy within the OAT Academy Trust. It now has a small WOA Post 16 provision for SEND students and wishes… read more
The Priory Primary Achieves the Inclusive School Award
The Priory Primary School in Wednesbury achieves the Inclusive School Award. Staff Work Tirelessly Pupils, staff and parents are extremely proud of the inclusive nature at The Priory Primary School. The staff all work tirelessly so that all children can… read more