Kirkdale St Lawrence Church of England Primary has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
‘Love and Care for Everyone’
Kirkdale St Lawrence Church of England Primary School is located in Kirkdale, Liverpool. Currently there are around 300 children on roll, with a Published Admissions Number (PAN) of 40 pupils per year group. Nearly half of the pupils are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), 47%, and half of the cohort speak English as an Additional language (EAL), 49%. Both figures are significantly above national averages. The number of children on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) register is 22%, including six children who are supported through Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) as well as a further four expected to be processed imminently.
The school is located in one of the most deprived areas of the United Kingdom and reports many associated social barriers to learning such as substance abuse, domestic violence, child criminal exploitation and gang related activities. In 2019, the local area “was identified as being in one of the top four areas of deprivation in Liverpool and has also been identified as one of the most deprived areas in the whole of Europe”. Therefore, the IQM Lead and Headteacher explain that “overcoming this context is at the heart of everything the school does”.
The current Headteacher was appointed in September 2022, following the retirement of the previous Headteacher. In a recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools, Kirkdale St. Lawrence was graded “good”. The report highlights its inclusive culture, stating that “Kirkdale St. Lawrence is living out its Christian vision in an inspirational and transformational way. In every thought and action, the school clearly demonstrates Christian love and care for everyone”.
Impactful Leadership Style
The Headteacher’s impactful leadership style, combined with her warm and approachable demeanour, truly sets the tone for a culture of inclusion within the school community. Her leadership approach is not only effective but also inspiring, leading by example and encouraging all staff members to do the same. By prioritising inclusivity, the Senior Leaders create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background or abilities. This fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among pupils, teachers, and support staff alike. The Leaders’ dedication to inclusive practice permeates across the school, creating an ethos that is deeply ingrained and embraced by all.
Senior Leaders demonstrate a perceptive knowledge of the school and empathetic understanding of its unique context. They continuously respond to the needs and challenges faced by both pupils and staff and have developed improvement plans which are rooted in inclusive principles to support all to flourish. The collaborative nature of the Senior Leadership Team encourages a transparent culture and fosters a sense of collective responsibility. They actively involve all staff members in the decision-making process, seeking their input and insights, which further strengthens the inclusive practice within the school.
Inclusive Vision
Kirkdale St Lawrence’s inclusive vision was shaped by all staff and key stakeholders in September 2022. This joint approach has led to a clear, consistent approach, with buy in from all staff. Open communication channels, such as Senior Leaders’ open-door policy, as well as changes to systems regarding staff wellbeing, contribute to the staff feeling valued and trusted as professionals.
Support for children with SEND is excellent. The SEND Coordinator is knowledgeable and passionate, ensuring the right provisions are in place for the individual children. All decisions are child-centred; support is tailored to specific needs. Support staff are aligned with the School’s vision, ensuring a consistent approach to interventions that address the diverse needs of pupils.
Pupils’ behaviour is positive and there is a calm atmosphere in the classrooms. The school implements a nurturing ethos, incorporating trauma-informed approaches whilst setting clear expectations for both staff and pupils. Pupils feel cared for and develop a strong sense of belonging, embracing each other’s differences. The pupils are joyful. They are curious to find out about visitors and share their experiences. They are polite, respectful and a pleasure to interact with.
Forward thinking
For the IQM assessment, the Senior Leadership Team went above and beyond to provide a comprehensive set of documentation in support of the process. Their commitment to transparency and thoroughness was evident in the extensive materials they shared. As our Assessor entered the school, they were greeted with genuine warmth and hospitality, instantly making them feel at ease and welcomed into the Kirkdale St. Lawrence community.
During the assessment day, it was evident that everyone involved in the process is deeply invested in the school’s success and committed to providing the best possible inclusive education for the pupils. Consistency of approaches, with a clear commitment to inclusion from all means that the school has excellent practice in place.
It was evident that the Leaders embrace a proactive approach to reflect on their practice. Their commitment to forward thinking is commendable, as they consistently seek out new ideas and methodologies to enhance the learning experience for all pupils. They know the school’s areas of strength and areas for growth, with well-defined plans in place to further develop any aspects that require improvement.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
Want more information on the IQM Award? Click here to request your free IQM information pack.