Creswell Junior School the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence.
Individuality of the Pupils
Creswell Junior School is committed to valuing the individuality of the pupils and works hard to ensure that they support all children to achieve. Through the dedication of the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team (SLT), staff and Governors, Creswell succeeds in providing an inclusive learning environment where everyone is encouraged to succeed. Visitors are warmly welcomed by all the staff and children and there is a happy and productive feel to the school. The children enjoy coming to school and value their teachers and TAs.
Pupils and parents spoken to all echoed this, with several parents sharing that there is nothing the Headteacher and school staff will not do to support our children. The pupils spoke enthusiastically about their school and really enjoyed discussing the ways they learn and how the school celebrates them as individuals.
The school team knows about the area they serve and believes that every child in the school should have opportunities to learn and feel included. The SLT, staff and Governors share this aim and work together to ensure that the school is a place where all children achieve, make progress and feel a part of the school community.
Creswell Junior School is a large school which has seen an increase in its numbers over recent years; with most children living in the village of Creswell. Creswell is an ex-mining village in North East Derbyshire with a high level of unemployment. A high proportion of children are from a White British background. A total of 5.5% of the children are from ethnic minority groups and 52.5% of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).
Best Possible Opportunities
Since joining the school, the Headteacher has heavily invested in raising not only attainment but providing children with the best possible opportunities and life experiences. Creswell Junior School is an excellent example of inclusive practice.
The school leaders and staff are passionate about nurturing the pupils into well rounded members of the community. As a school with 23.7% of pupils on their Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) register and with the school positioned within a significantly deprived area, supporting mental health and aspirations are a key focus of the Leadership Team.
Both leaders and parents commented on the low starting points of pupils joining the school. However, the children attain well by the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2) and progress most notably in Mathematics over the last three years.
The school prides itself on having inclusion at the heart of everything it does. Robust transition plans for pupils joining the school allow staff to identify and plan the most appropriate support for all children, even before they start their KS2 journey. The school’s carefully considered transition plans take into account, not only the current school’s views but that of the pupils and parents/carers to develop a holistic approach to support. The school tracks and diligently monitors provisions across school, ensuring that interventions are effective and delivered in a timely manner. Every element of the school environment is carefully considered to ensure pupils can access the most relevant support as and when they require.
Diversity is celebrated throughout, along with pupils’ successes and experiences. The Headteacher’s welcome on the school’s website which is evident throughout the school states, “Creswell Junior School has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where every child is valued. All the staff, parents, Governors are committed to working together to ensure every child reaches their potential.”
Pupils are a Credit to the School
The pupils of Creswell Junior School are a credit to the school, they speak confidently and warmly about their school, the staff and what they do to help them and celebrate their achievements and talents. They are proud of the school and what it offers them as pupils. As a result of how pupils are treated at school, they in return, support each other and value the differences they have.
Interventions and planned adult support are used to develop and enhance children’s learning from their individual starting points and this allows for progress to be made. The school provides specialist support for those who need specific intervention for learning, which includes Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) sessions and social skills and staff providing individual learning where needed.
The behaviour in classes, transitioning from activities and corridors was very good and demonstrated good behaviour for learning. Behaviour has been a real focus of the school with very carefully considered support in a year group identified as having more complex needs across the cohort.
Robust Safeguarding Procedures
The school has a large safeguarding team with highly effective, robust safeguarding procedures and policies in place which are frequently reviewed. Safeguarding procedures are well embedded in the school with parents commenting on how effective and rigorous the procedures are.
The school’s safeguarding statement leads with the motto, ‘SEE IT, SAY IT, STOP IT’ and states, ‘Our commitment to safeguarding our children. At Creswell Junior School we respect and value all children. We are passionate and committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.
“We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all school activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm.
“This is the responsibility of every adult employed by or invited to deliver services at Creswell Junior School.’ Pupils were able to share their secure understanding of safeguarding practices within school and knew who to go to and what to do if they had concerns involving themselves or others.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
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