Mount Street Primary School in Plymouth has achieved this award for the second time. Everyone Matters “Everyone Matters” proclaims a large notice-board in school which is plastered with a jigsaw pattern of many individually-drawn and cut out, interlocking pupil pictures…. read more
Barham Receives the Inclusive School Award
Barham Primary School in Brent has received the national award for inclusion. A Sense of Family is Tangible Barham Primary School is a large primary in North West London with upwards of 900+ children. From the moment, you step inside… read more
Granton Receives the Inclusive School Award Again
Granton Primary School, Lambeth achieves the national award for Inclusion again. Background Granton Primary is situated in Streatham Vale, Lambeth, on the edge of three boroughs, Croydon, Wandsworth and Merton. It is a larger than the average-sized primary school with… read more
Fourfields Achieves the Inclusive School Award
Fourfields Community Primary in Peterborough has achieved the national award again. Engaged in Delivering Excellent Provision Thank you for making me so welcome in your school on the occasion of my visit. It was a real pleasure to meet with… read more
Millennium Becomes a Centre of Excellence
Millennium Integrated Primary School, Saintfield achieves Centre of Excellence Status. Millennium Integrated Primary School, Saintfield has been awarded the Inclusive School Award. Comprehensive Self Evaluation Document The IQM Self Evaluation Report submitted by the school, is extremely comprehensive and gives… read more
Middle Park Achieves Centre of Excellence Status
Middle Park Primary School, Greenwich has become a Centre of Excellence. Heart of the Community Middle Park Primary School is at the heart of the Community and has the Community in its heart! Making a Difference Middle Park Primary School… read more
Huntcliff Achieves Centre of Excellence Status
Huntcliff School, Gainsborough is assessed for the second time and becomes a Centre of Excellence. Huntcliff Academy is a Special Place Huntcliff Academy is a special place, it has been a great pleasure to undertake their assessment of the IQM… read more
Thatto Heath Becomes a Centre of Excellence
Thatto Heath Community Primary School has become the first school in St Helen’s to achieve Centre of Excellence status. Context of the School Thatto Heath Community Primary School is situated in St Helens in an area of high deprivation, but… read more