Barham Primary School in Brent has received the national award for inclusion.
A Sense of Family is Tangible
Barham Primary School is a large primary in North West London with upwards of 900+ children. From the moment, you step inside the door the feeling of warmth, happiness and a sense of family is tangible. Barham is an excellent example of inclusive practice; in fact, inclusion is the cogwheel that drives the school. A sense of calm permeates throughout. The school community is diverse, with 80.4% of the children representing 32 different languages. This richness of diversity is celebrated in the school. A real feeling of respecting difference, yet sharing the same identity, by belonging to Barham is evident. The children spoke with respect about each other and there is a feeling of ‘togetherness’ in the school.
Stakeholders Work Together
The school has received a number of different awards and marks, including IIP (Silver) and most recently the Rights Respecting Schools Level 1. There is evidence of all stakeholders within the school working together to achieve success. The Head Teacher, with her Senior Leadership team and the staff body, work with the same mindset of ‘Striving for Excellence’ for all children, having high expectations for all regardless of background or ability and instilling in the children a sense of self-worth, pride and a ‘can-do’ attitude.
Accelerating Learning
Barham’s mission statement includes the phrase, ‘Accelerate Learning’; the school works incredibly hard to ensure this happens. Those who are disadvantaged have special needs or disabilities are supported through a comprehensive system of analysis of need and well-planned intervention and support. Similarly, those children considered more or most able are supported through provision of additional challenge and support. Language is developed from nursery, where the children were discussing what makes a spider a spider, to Reception using the correct scientific terms for the stages of a caterpillar’s life cycle to the debating and philosophy classes in Yr. 6.
Children are Proud of their School
Children are extremely proud of their school. They spoke with confidence and one child described the school as,’ a life-changing experience.’ This is a powerful statement and one I understand. The Yr. 6 children were keen for me to watch their rehearsals for the Yr. 6 show of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Their excitement was evident and the children were very supportive of each other. I dropped into the “New Class’ assembly and there was a feeling of excited anticipation as the class were spending the morning with their new teacher. New members of staff who were taking up posts in September were also present.
Children Achieving Their Full Potential
One of the school’s aims is ‘a curriculum which enables children to achieve their full potential academically, creatively, socially, spiritually and physically.’ The whole child is at the centre of education in Barham. The Barham 5 Rs are displayed clearly around the school along with inspirational quotes, many from Roald Dahl. Again, instilling in children, the belief that they can succeed.
A Bright Learning Environment
The school is a bright learning environment with richness of displays, not only celebrating children’s work but also as an aid to learning. The book corners within classrooms are a delight and could only encourage children to read.
Governance is Strong and Strategic
Barham have been awarded the Governor Mark. Governance is strong and strategic. Each Trainee Head, Year Group Head and Subject Leader has a linked Governor. This ensures quality monitoring and evaluation. The chair of Governors spoke with passion about her role as chair.
Committed to Meeting the Needs of All Children
Barham Primary School is an example of a school committed to meeting the needs of its children and is outstanding in its commitment to, and implementation of, inclusive practice. It is an outstanding, caring environment for pupils where high expectations have a huge impact on attainment, progress and wellbeing.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
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