Oliver Goldsmith Primary in Brent has achieved the Inclusive School Award.
Oliver Goldsmith Primary School is a two-form entry school with 440 pupils on roll (Nursery – Year 6). Situated in Kingsbury Brent, the school was graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted in June 2014 and since then, the school has had a significant change in leadership with a new Headteacher appointed in April 2015 and a new Deputy Headteacher appointed in June 2016. The majority of the extended leadership team including middle leaders are new to their roles and have been in post for less than two years.
Positive and Enthusiastic Example
The Headteacher leads by positive and enthusiastic example. Parents, staff and pupils commented favourably on the changes he has implemented, along with the new Deputy, in a relatively short period of time. The Chair of the School Council, a very proactive pupil in year 6 told me “he always does what he says he is going to do and he’s always on his toes.” High praise indeed.
Ofsted Report
The 2014 Ofsted inspection report highlighted that “Pupils achieve well and make good progress in English and Mathematics, reaching above average standards by the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. Children make a good start in the Early Years Foundation Stage, where skilful teaching ensures they make rapid progress. The quality of teaching is good across the school.”
Courteous and Respectful Pupils
Pupils are courteous, respectful and behave well. They enjoy coming to school and attendance of pupils is above average. The school is a diverse, harmonious community with 81% speaking a language other than English at home compared to 21% nationally. The largest single ethnic group is Asian or Asian British at 43.7%. Attendance is currently above average at 96%.
Pupils are Proud of their School
Pupils speak very highly of their school (School Council) and its staff, for whom they have great respect and they know that they are listened to and cared for. Pupils enjoy learning and they explain how staff support and encourage them.
Excellent Relationships with Parents
The school has excellent relationships with parents who speak very highly of the school and its staff and appreciate the caring and kind approach that the school takes towards themselves and their children. They also mention the many opportunities that the school gives pupils, including the range of clubs and trips. Parents of children with SEND are very happy with the way their children’s needs are met, whether these are medical needs, emotional needs, ADHD, ASD or a disability.
Enhancing the Curriculum
The curriculum is enhanced through a series of ‘Whole School Learning Adventures’ which are planned to excite and engage pupils in their own learning and to provide rich, creative, relevant and challenging experiences which have certainly inspired and deepened a love of learning amongst the children that I observed and spoke to. The learning environment has been enhanced in recent years. There are beautiful displays in corridors and classrooms many of which relate to the various ‘Learning Adventures.’
A Very Experienced SENDCO
The very experienced SENDCo has introduced a ‘Sound Aware’ intervention for those children who need to repeat the year 1 phonics-screening test. This is a 20-week intervention which develops metacognition to enable pupils to learn and think about the strategies they can use to help them read and spell. I observed this intervention and witnessed all pupils making good or improved progress. It was a delight to see the full engagement of all of the children involved.
Committed to Innovative Practice
Senior leaders are committed to innovative practice and to ensuring that teaching and learning aim for the highest possible standard. The Headteacher along with his Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body, provide strong leadership and clear direction to staff and pupils. There is a sharp focus on raising standards and teachers are held to account for the progress pupils make.
New Resources Provided
The Headteacher and the Business Manager have been very prudent and, as a consequence, the school has benefited from a refurbishment programme which has provided a new food technology suite with four work stations, a library, which was once a cloakroom, and which is accessible at break and lunchtimes and a new outdoor learning area for children in reception. These developments have contributed to a significantly improved provision for all pupils.
A Warm, Positive Environment
Oliver Goldsmith Primary School provides a warm, positive environment where pupils develop into successful learners and model citizens. The curriculum supported by a wide range of enrichment activities provides opportunities for children, at all stages to enjoy and achieve as well as promoting confidence, self-esteem, communication and leadership skills, moral purpose and much more. Pupils, without exception, told me they feel safe and well looked after. This is a real strength of the school.
A Friendly and Welcoming School
This is a friendly and welcoming school with an inclusive ethos shared by all stakeholders. During my visit I was able to review information provided on the self-evaluation report document, verify using additional documentation provided by the school, look at pupils’ books, participate in learning walks, observe classes and sit in on small group and one to one interventions. I had discussions with a range of staff, pupils, governors and senior leaders. In addition, the school website provided key information about the school’s policies and practice.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
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