Outwood Academy Ripon has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
Knowledge and Understanding of Inclusion
This was our Assessor’s second visit to Outwood Academy Ripon. There has been a change in the leadership of Inclusion since the last assessment, with the IQM Lead leaving mid-way through the year. The new IQM lead had been a part of the previous assessment and welcomed the assessor with an update on their plan for the future leading Inclusion. The assessor was updated that the Principal had also left at the end of the autumn term. An experienced and successful Principal, with great knowledge and understanding of inclusion, had been appointed and was now in post.
As our assessor walked around Outwood Academy Ripon, the classrooms and social spaces were focused on promoting praise and support. Pupils were either engaged in learning activities or having conversations with staff members. The Bridge provision is bright and spacious with purposeful learning stations for pupils to access curriculum support. Staff have created a well-equipped sensory room where students can go to reflect, be alone, or talk to staff. The Inclusion Manager and IQM Lead have further plans to develop this space, but report on the positive impact it has had since being opened.
Pupils describe their school as ‘The Best.’ When our Assessor asked what sets Outwood Academy Ripon apart from others, the pupils talked about their transition to the school and how they instantly felt like the staff were ready to help them learn. Pupils said the staff make pupils feel comfortable in school and are always available to talk. The Assessor saw this in practice as a small group of pupils knocked on the door to the Inclusion room to tell staff how their day was going. The warmth of the staff/student relationships was instantly evidenced, and pupils left the room looking visibly happier after speaking to staff.
Pupils were keen to explain to our Assessor the range of extra-curricular activities on offer and spoke with excitement about the offer of Performing Arts which includes ‘Rock Band’ and the choir alongside the highly anticipated end of year stage performance. Pupils love that they have various options on offer after school, and they see this as enhancing their school day.
Pupils spoke about the various support sessions in school where they could attend if they needed additional support or just someone to talk to. Pupil voice is appreciated by staff and pupils recognise this. Pupils can see the changes they have suggested, and this makes them feel that they have a say in the direction of their school. This is reinforced in assemblies and form times where pupils talk about current issues that impact on society.
Pupils were warm and welcoming, and able to articulate themselves well to our Assessor, demonstrating the academy’s aim to ensure pupils can communicate their thoughts and opinions beyond their academic subjects. The pupils are a credit to the school and our Assessor appreciated the time spent with them.
‘Unconditional Support’
Our Assessor was pleased to also meet with parents, who echoed the pupils’ feelings about staff at the academy. Again, as in the previous year’s assessment, more parents talked about how nothing is ever too much for the staff. ‘Unconditional support is given, and I can’t sing their praises enough.’ Parents said the staff here recognise who their child is, ‘they don’t focus on the negatives – they find the positives.’
Parents talked about being recognised as stakeholders and appreciated that staff asked them what their thoughts were before implementing any changes that may impact on their child. Parents talked about reasonable adjustments being made and appreciated that policies were adapted to support their child. This gave parents and their children a real sense of belonging, with one parent stating, ‘It’s been an emotional journey, but one where the school have championed my child.’
The staff at Outwood Academy Ripon are passionate about ensuring the best outcomes for students – both academically and pastorally. The IQM Lead and SENDCo discussed with the Assessor about a change from having spaces in school to support pupils to having more specific provision. The SENDCo discussed plans to visit other schools which had been successful in embedding successful provisions. This strategy to support SEND and Disadvantage having provision at Outwood Academy Ripon is driven by an ethos of inclusivity and a determination to offer pupils the best.
Professional Development for Staff
In response to the growing need for pupils with ASD to be supported, leaders have invested in professional development for staff to ensure staff are well quipped to support the growing number of neurodivergent pupils in school. Strategies around communication and interaction now inform whole class teaching practices, making the mainstream classroom accessible to a wide variety of students. Leaders focus on the effective use of teaching assistants ensuring there is accessible support across the academy for all pupils.
This strong leadership in provision opposed to simply ‘space’ has led to the academy’s Inclusion room being an integral part of the academy. The space is purposeful and has allowed pupils to be supported whilst still being a part of the wider school. The Inclusion Manager is warm and welcoming and extremely knowledgeable about what works for the pupils in order for them to make progress. Case studies of pupils who at one point relied heavily on a separate space, have been used to show their journey back into the mainstream classroom thanks to the support of the Inclusion team.
Staff talk with passion about Outwood Academy Ripon and truly believe in the Trust’s mission of ‘students first.’ Staff talked about the support on offer for them and how they feel valued. Leaders are investing in staff through high quality professional development alongside time to focus on key areas. For example the IQM Lead and SENDCo are given termly review days to focus on direct work with those pupils and families on the SEND register.
This passion for utilising time to support pupils was reinforced by the relationship with the school and outside agencies. Since the last assessment, the new IQM Lead has taken the time to focus on the academy’s Mental Health and Wellbeing offer. The partnership with outside support for staff and student mental health and wellbeing is strong. The Mental Health Support Team case manager spoke highly of the staff at Outwood Academy Ripon. They feel that because leaders value their support the process of working in the school two days per week is made easier as there are no barriers.
Leaders have included practitioners from outside of school to attend meetings around inclusion as they believe this will support the students further through the expert support and guidance available to staff when making decisions around support for pupils.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
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