Hayley Porter
IQM Assessor
Hayley Porter is currently the Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo at Mill House School, which is a special school for children aged 11-19. She also leads whole school development, implementing statutory requirements including policies, procedures and CPD. Due to the school being relatively new it supports a number of pupils with ASD, SEMH and ADHD.
Hayley has developed a broad curriculum that caters for the children’s complex needs and aspirations. She works alongside the Headteacher, developing policies, practices and provisions within the SDP. She leads on assessment, DSL, Inclusion and CIC. Hayley is also the mental health lead within the school, ensuring policy and practice is in place and effective.
As a member of the senior leadership team, Hayley frequently moderates books, data and practice to ensure standards are consistent and high across school, and children are provided with the opportunity to make good to outstanding progress and to achieve expected or greater depth standards.
She regularly evaluates data to identify any areas of concern, staff requiring additional support, any groups of children not making expected progress across year groups and whole school. Using this data Hayley then delivers support to close these gaps i.e. changing texts to engage boys in reading when girls are making greater progress in a year group or offering a teacher support with children with EAL as they are not making as much progress as their peers. Alongside her fellow members of SLT Hayley plans in whole school assessments, plans for the delivery of assessments and evaluates data to identify target children within the relevant statutory assessment year groups.
Prior to this role, Hayley was the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion at Temple Meadow Primary School, within this role she led on EAL, CIC, Phase Leader for KS1 and the KS2 and SENDCo. She supported staff across school to provide a high-quality provision for all children. As Phase Leader Hayley also oversaw SATs, moderation and phonics screening. She delivered CPD across school for SLT, class teachers and learning support staff. Hayley has attended numerous CPD opportunities such as Lego Therapy, DSL, PEP, SEMH, English writing support and Dyscalculia.