Amanda Caton
IQM Assessor
Amanda Caton has worked in Special Education for over 20 years. She has extensive experience as a teacher, Outreach Autism Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mental Health Lead, ‘Mindfulness in Schools’ practitioner, Interim Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
During her time in Specialist Education, Amanda has supported children and young people from a wide range of abilities, ages and backgrounds. Projects have included setting up a provision for children with complex social, emotional and mental health needs with nurture at the core of its curriculum offer. Positive mental health has also been a focus. With Amanda as Chair of the Wellbeing committee, a strategy impacted the school’s approach to mental health for the whole community.
Amanda has always been passionate about doing all she can to equip children and young people with life chances and choices that will positively impact their lives. Throughout her career, she has promoted a positive ethos towards inclusion, created and supported by various approaches and systems that support everyone in school.
Within her roles, she has often needed to be innovative and ‘think outside the box’ to create ways for children and young people, often with complex needs, to overcome the numerous barriers to their learning and reach their potential.
Amanda is an active listener and reflective practitioner. She adopts a coaching leadership style that is collaborative and empowering and strives to unlock the potential of all team members.