Inclusion Matters
Perryfields Primary PRU provides preventative outreach behaviour support to around 300 pupils each year across the 113 mainstream First, Primary and Middle schools in South Worcestershire. In addition to this, it provide a Perryfields’ Intervention Programme (PIP) which is a six-week part-time placement, where pupils spend the morning with Perryfields Primary PRU and return to their mainstream school in the afternoon.
Full-time provision is made for permanently excluded (PX) and Section 19 (S19) pupils until they are ready to be reintegrated into mainstream or are allocated Special School provision.
Inclusion matters at Perryfield Primay PRU as it is imperative that the school is able to meet the community needs – whether that be pupils, staff, families or governors. Strong relationships are at the heart of the school and are key to creating an environment where all can achieve.
Inclusive practice is at the core of Perryfields, whether that being through teaching and learning pedagogy, assessment, resources or an engaging curriculum where pupils are supported to achieve their potential. Whatever support is required staff ensure that enrichment opportunities are open to all pupils and that barriers to learning are broken down.
Safe and Caring Environment
At Perryfields Primary PRU Inclusion Values are communicated to the school community and staff provide a safe and caring environment where everyone is welcomed, valued, encouraged and supported to respect themselves and others.
Perryfields is passionate in the belief that it can make a difference and change pupils’ lives for the better. Perryfields is a place where everyone can enjoy learning together and share high aspirations for the future. Each person is special and every person is equally important and this is reflected in the policies, systems, procedures, actions and in daily practice.
Heard and Valued
At Perryfields everybody’s voice is heard and valued, Stakeholders are encouraged to be imaginative and collaborative with one another in order to make the school the best it can be. In today’s climate recognition of mental health needs for pupils, staff and families is important, so that everyone is able to flourish within and outside of school. As a community, ‘together we are stronger.’
As an IQM National Inclusion Champion School and Department for Education Behaviour Hubs Programme Lead School Perryfield Primary PRU has shown it is willing to work with other schools to spread the powerful message of inclusion, equality and diversity across the UK. Perryfields see great value in working in partnership to share resources, strategies and professional expertise that can make a positive difference for pupils across the country and beyond.