Paul Voural
IQM Assessor
Paul Voural currently coaches Headteachers in East Sussex and Hong Kong. This involves giving guidance in relation to Ofsted preparation, middle leadership capacity development and curriculum support.
He is also currently reviewing SEND provision in a school and preparing a SENCO for an imminent inspection.
As the Trust SEND and Inclusion Lead for REAch2, he carried out the following responsibilities: Supporting 60 SENCOs across the Trust to be strategic leaders of SEND; Leading and deploying SEND SLEs to deliver school support where required.; Leading school SEND reviews and highlighting key strengths and areas for development, resulting in the development of SEND transformation plans and bespoke follow-up support; Supporting SENCos to implement the graduated approach to ensure precise and timely assessment, identification and provision for pupils with SEND and to accurately profile the types of need within all four areas of need; Supporting schools to develop inclusive practices that ensure quality first teaching and interventions; Facilitated Trust-wide training such as ‘Developing SEND distributed leadership’ and ‘The Engagement Model’ and termly update and sharing best practice meetings.
He was also the organiser of the yearly Trust-wide SEND conferences and was responsible for writing of the SEND Trust policy, linked to the following five areas: identification, high quality teaching and interventions, tracking and monitoring of progress and provision and professional partnerships. He also was instrumental in the creation of a SENCO Trust Information Hub and SENCO Cluster Teams Rooms in Microsoft Teams.