Jo Weeks
IQM Assessor
Jo Weeks is a qualified teacher working in Special Educational Needs since 1994.
She started her teaching career in a Specialist School for Primary aged children with SEMH and was until recently, in an advisory role for the London Borough of Merton’s central SEND Support Team for Heads, SENDCos, Teachers and Support Staff for 17 years.
Jo is now freelance and works in schools and with parents across SW London, Surrey and beyond, offering practical support, training and advice.
She has experience in working with children with a raft of needs including: EBD/SEMH; ASD/Asperger’s/PDA (Diagnosed and undiagnosed); ADHD/ADD: Down’s Syndrome; ODD; FAS (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome); Speech and Language needs; Auditory Processing Difficulties; Attachment Disorder; Sensory Processing Difficulties; Sensory Integration Dysfunction; and Dyspraxia/pro-prioception difficulties.