Jenny Scott
IQM Assessor
Jenny Scott is the Deputy Headteacher of an outstanding primary school in Bolton. She is an SLE for SEND and English and is the Primary Lead for Initial Teacher Training, in Farnworth.
Jenny shares her leadership skills more widely than just in her own school, and she has been given the opportunity to work across many schools since she first started teaching in 2007.
Jenny enjoys the wider leadership work she can provide in her own school, and also to the local cluster of schools she has worked within. She is the lead SENCo for the Farnworth area.
Jenny believes talking to others both challenges and supports the way she thinks and has helped her grow as a leader. She is involved in various working parties with the Local Authority for reading and EYFS/SEND.
Jenny holds the National Award for SEND coordination, she is trained to set up Nurture Groups and recently undertook a Christian Leadership course for Aspiring Headteachers.
Jenny is the school’s Mental Health Champion, and the Inclusion Quality Mark Leader for the Flagship status school. She is also a governor at an alternative provision setting.