Emily Carroll
IQM Ambassador
Emily Carroll has been Headteacher of Bishopton PRU since September 2017, and before that she worked as a leader in a number of other PRUs across the North East.
Before becoming Headteacher, Emily had a number of leadership roles including Deputy Head; Assistant Head; Director of Curriculum and Learning. She has also worked as a school lead for Eco Schools; Healthy Schools and has been a subject leader of ICT, Science, English and SEAL.
Due to her experience of working with disengaged and disaffected learners, and since becoming Headteacher at Bishopton, Emily has worked hard to look at ways to support children to develop academically, socially and emotionally, through developing a therapeutic intervention system as well as a curriculum which has been designed to engage vulnerable learners.
Emily is keen to support schools in developing at a strategic level, using current research and through building networks at a local and national level. She has set up a local network of PRU leaders, which has now also branched out to include some PRU subject networks. She also sits on the National PRUsAP Executive Committee.