Our Lady and St Philomena’s Catholic Primary School has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
‘Pupils Feel Happy and Safe’
Our Lady and St Philomena’s Catholic Primary School is a one-form entry primary school in Fazakerley, Liverpool for children aged from 3 to 11 years old with 215 pupils on roll. The number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium top-up funding is significantly above average, currently 58.6%. 29% of pupils speak English as an Additional Language (EAL), with 20 different languages spoken amongst the school community. 14% of pupils are on the SEND Register, with 16% currently on the ‘monitoring’ register.
Following an Ofsted judgement of Inadequate, the decision was made to seek support from the Headteacher of a fellow Archdiocese of Liverpool school, Holy Name Primary School. In 2015, the Executive Headteacher took up the post and the Governing Bodies of both schools were federated. The school went on a rapid improvement journey, achieving an Ofsted grading of Good in 2017. Most of the current staff team have joined the school since then. New senior leaders are also in post. The school received a second judgement of Good in the most recent Ofsted inspection (2023), with the report recognising that, ‘pupils feel happy and safe at the school. They know that any challenges that they may experience in the world outside do not shape their lives in the school’.
Leaders feel that achieving recognition through the IQM Inclusive School Award, demonstrates their “dedication to meeting the diverse needs of all our students, fostering equal opportunities and promoting a sense of belonging and acceptance among our school community”.
Inclusivity is Not Just a Buzzword
At Our Lady and St Philomena’s Catholic Primary School, inclusivity is not just a buzzword. From the moment one steps foot into the school, the warm atmosphere envelopes you, aptly described as “inviting” by the IQM Lead. This welcoming ambiance is felt by all stakeholders, offering a safe, loving environment for all in the Our Lady and St Philomena’s community.
During observations of lessons on the assessment day, classrooms exuded a sense of calm and purpose, providing pupils with a conducive environment for academic growth. Pupils’ attitudes towards learning were notably positive, with a focus on active participation and high levels of engagement evident in every lesson.
The physical environment of the school is meticulously organised and conducive to learning. Low-stimulus spaces and carefully planned layouts create an optimal setting for pupils to thrive. The high-quality displays, classroom designs and resources reflect the high standards and expectations, demonstrating to the pupils that they deserve the very best.
The newly established Oasis provision, an in-house enhanced provision to support pupils with complex communication and interaction difficulties, exemplifies the school’s commitment to evolving to meet the needs of every child. The impact of this provision is tangible, with effective planning and targeted support ensuring all pupils receive the assistance they require.
Vision and Values
The inclusive vision and values upheld by the school’s Governors and leaders serve as guiding principles for all stakeholders. This alignment towards a shared ethos was evident in all meetings and interactions on the assessment day. The commitment to inclusive practice permeates every aspect of decision-making and resource allocation, ensuring that individual children receive the support they need to succeed.
Parents and carers expressed deep appreciation for the support offered by the school, particularly on emotional and practical levels. Whether navigating external documentation and forms for children with SEND or accessing food and financial support during challenging times, parents and carers commend the school’s responsiveness and empathy.
The voices of the pupils themselves provided perhaps the most compelling testament to the inclusive nature of the school. They spoke positively about their experiences, expressing pride in their school and emphasising the importance of kindness and supportive relationships.
Pupils with SEND are effectively supported and fully included in school life. The effective support provided to pupils with SEND ensures that they are seamlessly integrated into the school community, with adaptations made to facilitate their learning alongside their peers.
Supportive Environment
Staff members also report feeling well-supported, thanks in part to an open-door policy that encourages communication and collaboration. This supportive environment extends to staff development initiatives, which effectively promote personal growth and upskill staff to meet the evolving needs of the pupil demographic.
In conclusion, Our Lady and St Philomena’s Catholic Primary School stands as a shining example of inclusive education in action. Through collaborative efforts, a nurturing environment, and a strong commitment to meeting the diverse needs of every child, the school promotes a culture where all pupils can thrive.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
Want more information on the IQM Award? Click here to request your free IQM information pack.