Northwood Community Primary School in Kirkby has achieved the Inclusive School Award.
School Context
Northwood Community Primary School is a much larger than average two form entry primary school, with 515 pupils on roll and a local authority designated provision for 48 pupils. School also has a 52 place nursery provision.
The proportion of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is well above the national average. The school has a designated special provision (DPS) for communication delay, social and emotional difficulties and sensory needs. This is a 48 place provision, with pupils allocated spaces through the local authority. The number of pupils receiving pupil premium is also above average. The majority of pupils are white British; however, a small but increasing number are from multi-ethnic backgrounds.
The most recent Ofsted report (July 2015) judged the school to be good in all areas,
“Northwood is an inclusive and happy school where all pupils are nurtured and cared for …… staff relate to and care for all pupils exceptionally well.“
This was echoed by the staff, pupils, parents, governors and community members with whom I met during the assessment, and there is clear evidence that pupils and families feel safe, supported and valued by the school.
The school opened in 2011 being an amalgamation of 2 one form entry schools and a special school.
Inclusive, Aspirational Vision
The Headteacher has been in post since 2014 and has a very inclusive and aspirational vision which he has communicated clearly to the staff team.
Driving the Inclusion Agenda
The Deputy Head/SENDCo is a long standing experienced leader and practitioner, having been SENDCo for 14 years and deputy head for 12 years, moving across from one of the amalgamating schools into the new Northwood CPS. She has a clear commitment to driving the inclusion agenda and ensuring inclusion has a high profile across the school.
A Strong Leadership Team
The school has a strong leadership team, which fully supports the inclusive agenda. The addition of two lead practitioners has enhanced SLT and raised attainment. The leadership team continue to aim for high standards, employing a rigorous monitoring system and setting challenging targets based on continuous evaluation.
Continuing to Improve
The school continues to improve and develop under the clear, strong leadership of the Headteacher and Deputy Headteachers and wider leadership team, who have created a shared vision amongst staff to continue to drive the school forward and to ensure that inclusion and development of the whole child is at the centre of the school’s philosophy and practice.
Teachers Know Pupils Well
Teachers know their pupils well and, due to continuous monitoring, have a clear understanding of individual needs which has enabled timely and appropriate support strategies to be put in place.
Excellent Relationships with Children
All staff within the school have excellent relationships with the children, ensuring that the school provides a secure and happy learning environment. Staff are extremely professional, highly motivated, enthusiastic and have a passion for the work they do.
Academic achievement is high on the school agenda. Clear and thorough assessment, accompanied by good tracking of targeted cohorts and individual pupil progress, ensures that pupils are well supported and make at least good progress. In 2017 from yr 6 data, Northwood was identified as one of the top performing schools in the UK.
A Calm but Vibrant School
There is a calm but vibrant feel to the school. Physical access in and around the school is excellent. Classrooms are bright, accessible, well-organised and industrious. Corridors are full of attractive displays and photographs of pupils.
Pupil Support
Throughout the school there are designated intervention areas for small group and 1:1 work.
Governors are Fully Involved
School governors are fully involved in all aspects of school life and have helped to shape and support the direction of the school effectively. Governors are well informed about the work of the school, the progress that the children are making and the strategic plan for the school.
Inclusion in its Broadest Sense
Throughout the assessment it was evident that this is a true community school committed to inclusion in its broadest sense. Discussions and conversations with a wide range of pupils, staff, parents, governors and community members reinforced this view.There is a very inclusive ethos throughout the school – it is clear that everyone works together to understand and support pupils and families in their care, and to ensure they achieve their full potential.
Inclusion is Ingrained
Inclusion is ingrained in the ethos and culture of the school both strategically and operationally.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
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