Joy Lane Primary and Nursery in Kent achieves IQM Flagship status.
Sources of Evidence
The school has submitted a comprehensive review of their progress and, in addition to this, I was able to verify the accuracy in my discussions with the Executive Head Teacher, the Head of School and the IQM Co-ordinator. I was also able to speak with key staff members who had direct responsibility for the COE targets. Extra documentation was also available including the following:-
• Joy Lane Primary School Behaviour Policy and links to the Dojo system.
• Example of a behaviour flowchart.
• RAG assessment details including details relating to the Oysters SRP.
• Reflection Sheets.
• Behaviour Plans.
• Environmental/Resources/ICT: Colour coded tracking sheets, details of “Book Looks” (examples of accelerated progress.
• Details of Learner Attitude and Personal Development: Snapshot assessments: Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills, online tracking.
The school also provided details relating to parent questionnaires, Teaching and Learning workshops etc. Parents are also now able to access class Dojos, SALT workshops and are making good use of home school contact sheets.
Innovative Tracking and Monitoring
Social, emotional and behavioural tracking: The current system, which been developed by Joy Lane staff, is particularly impressive, giving both a working document for teachers and support staff and also a strategic overview for the Senior Leadership Team. In combination with the “Pupil Attitude to Self and School” (PASS) data, Joy Lane has developed a bespoke tracking and recording system which monitors and tracks children identified as a “red concern” but in addition the system also keeps a detailed log of the interventions and support received.
The school is now planning to introduce a “red Dojo” system which will flag up consistent and low level behavioural difficulties. Parent access to this will also further engage parents in their child’s work in school. There will be a review of the school’s behaviour policy over the next 12 months.
Working at Greater Depth
The last 12 months have seen further developments and a writing audit identifying that there needs to be greater definition between children working at “Greater Depth” and how the school tracks this. The school has now appointed a lead teacher with responsibility for reviewing policy and tracking progress. Again, in line with all Joy Lane policy developments, parents have been fully involved at all stages.
The school also intends to introduce the use of the LEUVEN scales in the Oysters SRP (ASD provision). The work being undertaken in this field is innovative and highly beneficial in understanding not only the academic needs of the children but also ensuring staff are able to recognise and appropriately respond to the Social and Emotional difficulties being experienced by some pupils.
Learner Progress and Impact on Learning
There is comprehensive detailed information relating to progress made under “Learner progress and Impact on Learning” in the submitted documentation. However, I would draw attention to some interesting and again, innovative proposals. The existing parent workshops are well attended and have been highly rated in parent questionnaires, the school is now planning, via the school website, to make video recordings of the workshops available.
The existing website is an excellent example of a source of essential day to day information, policies, advice and signposting. It is user friendly and well designed.
Teaching and Learning
As part of the ongoing developments in Teaching and Learning, there are many examples of staff collaboration and peer development. Opportunities for Oysters staff to observe mainstream staff and vice versa. With Thanet, Canterbury and Swale in the process of forming the East Kent SRP network group, there will be further opportunities for staff to collaborate with other provisions. I would again recommend the school to participate in the work of the IQM Cluster Groups.
All of the evidence demonstrates the rigour and drive of Joy Lane in providing a Teaching and Learning environment which truly fulfils the statement on the school’s website:
“A Love of Learning, for Life, for All: Our Teaching Staff encourage children to be independent and confident by making their learning fun, engaging, enjoyable, challenging and satisfying. High standards and aspirations are expected in all areas of School life.”
I have had the privilege to have been welcomed into the exciting, innovative and what can only be described as “driven” environment of Joy Lane Primary and have shared their journey from Inclusive School right through to Flagship. The school certainly lives up to their ambitious statement on their website and included above, many thanks you are inspirational.
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