Stanley Park Infants’ School in Carshalton has achieved the IQM Inclusive School Award again.
Children are Proud to Belong
The children who attend Stanley Park Infants School are proud to belong to such an inclusive school. They are happy children who feel respected and valued. They are strongly supported in all areas of the curriculum by passionate and dedicated staff led by an Executive Headteacher who has a clear vision for ensuring that Stanley Park offers the best possible education. She is ably supported by a strong team of senior leaders who share her determination that all stakeholders should be listened to and that all children can and will succeed, regardless of any barriers. The Head of School and Inclusion Lead share an inclusive ethos which pervades throughout the school.
Warm, Friendly and Welcoming
The staff have made Stanley Park a warm, friendly and welcoming place. Everybody has a clear sense of purpose. The children have confidence in their teachers and support staff and know their needs will be met. They feel inspired in their learning by the highly imaginative teaching. The Reception children who took on the role of planets in the solar system will hopefully remember this for many years to come. The staff have a deep understanding of what Lifelong Learning actually means.
Safe and Calm
Visitors who enter the school are warmly welcomed by the office team, but the smiles continue throughout from all the staff and children. Pupils are willing to engage the visitor in their learning and confidently talk about their work. There is a sense of safety and calm.
The school was last inspected by Ofsted in March 2008 and they were informed in April 2011 that it had sustained its outstanding status. Since then the school has continued to aim for high standards and the attainment at the end of Key Stage 1 continues to be higher than national expectations. The school wants to continue to improve and ‘knows the job is never done’. It works hard to ensure that attendance remains good.
Mutual Respect
There is a real sense of mutual respect and the behaviour of the children is a strength of the school. They understand how to listen to each other and therefore the school should not have any difficulty in achieving its desired status of becoming a Rights Respecting School.
A Deep Sense of Ownership
Success and achievements are celebrated everyday both formally and informally. The children have a deep sense of ownership and through their School Parliament know that their ideas will be taken on board. They understand that their actions influence what happens in their own environment and that we are the world.
Well Organised Classrooms
All of the classrooms are well organised, the vibrant displays celebrate the children’s learning but provide prompts to aid their independence. Children know what to do if they are stuck. The teachers plan their lessons carefully considering their children’s needs and desires. They ensure that everyone reaches the objective and so support is specifically aimed at those who need it most. A range of ‘Assessment for Learning’ techniques are used to measure a child’s progress throughout a session and the staff are flexible and adjust their teaching accordingly.
Well Trained Support Staff
Support staff are well trained and make a valuable contribution in class or provide interventions for individuals and groups where necessary. There are high levels of analysis and the tracking of pupils is rigorous. Governors monitor the process and understand that they are critical friends to the school. They share the vision that Stanley Park must continue to improve and will do so if they continue to fulfil their role by providing support and challenge. They know that this school will benefit from supporting Wallington and both will grow as a result.
Partnership with Parents
Parents feel that they are listened to and the school has fostered a real partnership ensuring both parties share the process of educating their children. They commented on how much they value the openness of the Leadership Team, led by the Executive Headteacher. They said that their children had developed a real sense of self confidence whist they were at the school and really appreciated this very much.
Children are Well Supported
Children who have certain needs are very well supported by the school and parents highly praise the school’s practice. The staff work tirelessly to ensure their needs are met and the families feel reassured. The professionalism of the staff is highly valued and appreciated by the community, who feel that children are fully supported in accessing all that the school has to offer.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
Want more information on the IQM Award? Click here to request your free IQM information pack.