Oasis Academy Immingham has achieved the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.
Wonderfully Welcoming and Incredibly Inclusive
Oasis Academy Immingham is a wonderfully welcoming and incredibly inclusive school where there is significant evidence of an ongoing commitment to deeply ingrained and widely shared values. Under the guidance and direction of the Principal, Academy leaders have successfully created a distinctive culture of tolerance, mutual respect and acceptance and this is a place where pupils of all ages have high aspirations and report feeling “valued, worthy and safe.”
Part of the Oasis Community Learning Multi-Academy Trust, Oasis Academy Immingham is one of 52 schools which are collectively described as a growing family spread across 5 distinct regions of the country. Oasis Academy Immingham is a secondary setting with 627 children aged 11-16 on roll. This coastal school is located in the heart of an area of high socioeconomic deprivation where there exists higher than average levels of multigenerational unemployment, a limited transport infrastructure, comparatively low paid employment opportunities and a history of poor educational experiences amongst parents.
Uncompromising Vision for Inclusion
Indeed, the Academy sits in the lowest percentile for deprivation in the UK and records 63% of its students as Pupil Premium (PP) with many more presenting as ‘disadvantaged’ as they routinely require some form of additional learning, financial or practical support. The number of students currently on the Academy’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) register is 29% and there are 18 young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The significance of the numbers of pupils identified as having additional needs, which sits well above national average rates, is testament to the fact that ‘persistent disadvantage’ is the key common denominator for the majority of the pupils who attend this school. Despite the Academy’s demographic, this is a setting with an uncompromising vision for inclusion and an unwavering sense of commitment to delivering on those aims, presently, and well into the future.
The school, undoubtedly, is an important feature of the local community, and as the only secondary Academy within the immediate locality, it plays a unique role in contributing to the holistic development of the majority of young people who live within this semi remote, coastal geographical location. The Academy benefits from having 3 fully trained SENCos and ensures that all Senior Leaders maintain a Level 3 safeguarding qualification to be able to manage and support the demands and pressures of the ongoing work with pupils and families, in response to the many societal challenges which prevail throughout the wider community.
Leadership and Inclusive Ethos
Oasis Academy Immingham was last inspected by Oftsed in October 2021. Receiving an overall grading of ‘Good’, inspectors made a number of remarks in relation to the leadership and inclusive ethos evidenced throughout their inspection visit.
Inspectors found that:
• “Leaders’ high standards have led to many improvements in the Academy over recent years.”
• “Leaders ensure the curriculum goes well beyond the academic.”
• “Students learn the importance of respect, and this is clear in the way they behave.”
• “No stone is left unturned – to keep students safe.”
• “Keeping students safe is the top priority in the Academy.”
• “Lessons teach students about how to stay safe, the value of the law, mutual respect and tolerance.”
• “Leaders ensure the curriculum goes well beyond the academic… lessons also teach students about how to stay safe, the value of the law, mutual respect and tolerance.”
• “Leaders have a clear vision for the curriculum.”
• “Students enjoy good relationships with staff and feel safe and well cared for.”
• “Leaders set high standards for students in all aspects of Academy life.”
Staff Proud to Work at Imminghan
Staff members are proud to work at Oasis Academy Immingham, and refer to the Academy as the heart of a strong and cohesive community.
Staff speak openly and authentically about their “love” and “genuine care and concern” for all of the pupils on roll. Staff members understand the difference they make in the lives of the pupils and recognise the importance and value of their work, which goes far beyond the qualifications their students go on to achieve.
The Principal is intent on delivering change for the community of Immingham town for future generations, through the broader effects of the Academy’s persistence and dedication to inclusive practices, raising aspirations, growing cultural capital, and developing character education.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
Want more information on the IQM Award? Click here to request your free IQM information pack.