Bude Park Primary School in Hull has achieved the IQM Inclusive School Award.
Vibrant and Caring
Bude Park Primary School is a vibrant and caring school in which staff are committed to providing the best for the children and the community they serve in Kingston upon Hull. Information and evidence were gathered from learning walks within the school but also through conversations with the Principal, Assistant Principal and Assistant Vice Principal and members of the teaching and support staff. Representative pupils, parents and governors also gave their opinions. During the visit I had access to all areas of the school, had both formal and informal conversations with pupils, who were keen to talk about their enjoyment of school life.
Excellent Relationships
There are positive staff-student, student-student and staff-parent relationships, effective pupil support and independence is fostered. Transitions are well-considered, parents talk positively about the way in which children are transitioned into school and feel that the ‘settling in process’ is secure. The school fosters trusting relationships with parents and very effective links with other agencies to support a shared approach to children’s learning and to ensure children receive consistent support. The school communicates in a variety of ways and this helps the parents to feel welcome in school.
Inclusion Agenda
Key aspects of the inclusion agenda are reflected in the use of Pupil Premium, the SEND policy, Equality and the Accessibility policy. The school has published use of the Pupil Premium on the school website and has had success with the implementation over the last year.
Progress Tracking
Progress of all groups of pupils is carefully tracked as part of the focus of the SLT and staff appraisal. Assessment is carried out by staff, planning is adjusted accordingly, clarifying interventions. Planning viewed, effectively takes account of prior learning to ensure continuity & challenge.
Effective Monitoring
The SLT monitor classroom teaching including the management of behaviour. There is a clearly defined behaviour management policy that is understood by all staff, governors, parents and children. This has recently been externally audited as has the approach to safeguarding with positive outcomes.
Raising Attainment and Aspiration
The new leadership has only been in post for a relatively short period of time and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the children’s teaching is engaging in order to raise attainment and aspiration.
Supporting Children’s Needs
ASAs have a key role in school and carry out some well-defined interventions to support learning and the personal, social and emotional needs of the children. A room is used for alternative provision to enable some children to have the opportunity to focus on specific aspects of need to enable them to then integrate more fully in lessons.
Moving the School Further Forward
The SLT ensure the process of Performance Management is undertaken in order to enable the needs of staff to be addressed and to offer challenge to move the school further forward and thereby raise attainment of pupils.
Celebrating Achievement
Children’s achievement is valued and celebrated by the school. Good attendance is promoted and rewarded. The employment of a Families Worker is further enabling parents to recognise that the school is approachable and prepared to listen to their views.
Positive Work Ethic
There has been significant improvement in the behaviour of children, as a result of the SLT’s clarity in terms of expectations and values. Children can describe the reward system and respond positively to this. A positive work ethic is developing in the school and the children are clearly enjoying the immersive approach to teaching and learning.
Teaching Spaces and Resources
Bude Park has well organised teaching spaces and resources. Thought has been given to appropriate resources to service learning and teaching needs. Areas of the grounds are made secure to enable free-flow access for children and this will be further enhanced for the youngest children. SLT recognise the potential of the ‘Forest School’ approach-and there is an area in the school that lends itself to this way of working. Therefore, to further explore the possibility of Forest Schools’ training (engaging a parents’ focus group to engage interest) and use as a stimulus for work, especially for those kinaesthetic learners in school would be an interesting development.
Interactive Whiteboards
Interactive whiteboards are available in classes and are used by children and staff, ipads, computers and cameras are also accessible. These are used effectively for a range of purposes.
Strategic Approach to Management
There are a number of key strengths in the school as a result of the strategic approach to management. I would like to thank all those involved for the warm welcome.
Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award
If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team please telephone:
028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
or email: [email protected] for further details.
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