Shirley Young
IQM Assessor
Shirley Young’s experience working as a Senior Leader across schools in challenging circumstances in North East Essex Secondary education gave her the skills to use in a consultancy role.
During the past 18 years Shirley has led the strategic development of a wide variety of teams to promote inclusion, progress and achievement within Mainstream education. Her experience has extensively been in moving schools from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’ and has been in schools in challenging circumstances.
As part of serving the most deprived communities in the country the inclusive ethos of the provisions Shirley has devised have been crucial to the success of the students. These provisions included designing a purpose built KS3 SEND nurture facility based on the primary sector model.
This successful format evolved to include outreach work with local primary schools, supporting teachers to develop skills that may keep a child in Mainstream education and release the need for places within specialist provisions.
Shirley has been a key driver for school improvement in terms of safeguarding and well-being initiatives, and has led a large and multi-skilled safeguarding team and pioneered the development of a number of safeguarding initiatives, systems and curriculum based education across a school community.
Shirley also monitors safeguarding as Lead Governor at a Primary School and is able to audit the impact of current systems as well as lead and develop new ones. Her role as Governor Link and Chair of Governors ensures her understanding of monitoring and impact remains central to the core of what she does.
Most recently Shirley has begun work as an independent consultant and has been commissioned to reduce exclusions, complete safeguarding reviews, coach senior leaders and write reports of
student well-being effectiveness.