Sharon Roberts
IQM Assessor
Sharon became a Headteacher in 2008, a National Leader of Education in 2016 and CEO of a 5 school Primary Academy Trust situated in the London Borough of Sutton, in July 2020.
Across the 5 schools there are approximately 2,500 pupils from very diverse demographics.
Over the past 12 years Sharon has been fortunate to experience school leadership in a range of contexts. This includes Executive Headship and Leadership of School Improvement in the London Borough of Sutton.
Her current role focuses on overseeing the Trust’s vison, values, and strategic aims and in developing consistently high standards across each academy both educationally and operationally.
Going forward Sharon’s focus is on supporting communities to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing the school’s one team ethos, ensuring resources are shared equitably across the organisation and that their distribution is responsive to need, and ensuring that effective stakeholder networks and partnerships are developed and maintained.